girls playing the violin

St Hilda’s Nursery, Harpenden visit Rothamsted Park

1st May 24

students sat on a log

Today as part of our topic work on ‘Loving and Caring for our Planet’ we visited Rothamsted Park. The children walked beautifully all the way to the park and on the way we listened to bird song, spotted numbers on houses and letters on road signs and number plates. We spotted some litter that had been dropped and the children told us what type of bin it should be put into to help save our planet. We found some recycling bins along the roadside and the children were quick to tell us what each colour bin should contain. Once at the park we looked at the different trees and plants growing in the park. We found an enormous tree that had fallen down and had lots of ideas about what might have happened to it and we remembered the Rainforests that have been bulldozed down and have left the animals without their habitat. Luckily the birds and animals in the park had lots of other trees to make their homes in. We saw a beautiful rapeseed field too and lots of flowers and plants.

We were then very hungry so we had a snack time picnic and then played some parachute games. We celebrated a friends birthday and sang happy birthday as we swirled her around in the parachute.

Before we started the long walk back to school we had a story called ‘Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab’. Tiny crab loved his beach and wanted to keep it clean and safe for all his special friends.

Well done Nursery on being so amazing today during your trip and for showing us such great knowledge on our topic. Sleep well tonight!

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