Latest Sports News | St Hilda's Harpenden
girls playing the violin

Latest Sports News

28th February 25

On Friday before half-term, our cross-country runners went to Beechwood Park School to compete against other local Prep schools.  Our U9 team finished 4th overall, with Lottie coming 11th out of 50 runners.  Our U11 team all finished in the top 20, with Violet coming 5th overall.  The U11s finished 2nd overall, which is a great achievement.  Very well done to all competitors, who did their best on the day in a tough event.

A big well done to all who took part in our House cross-country event at school, which involved running 16 laps of the track.  8 runners took part from each House and as always it was a competitive finish.  Lanc managed to win the event, followed by York and then Warwick.  Violet came 1st overall.

On Wednesday St Hilda’s competed against Roundwood in a League netball game at Home.  It was a tough match for all teams.  Our B team won their half against Roundwood Bs 1-0, our As won their match 9-3.

Form III netball club players went to STAHS on Thursday to play their 2nd fixture this year.  This time they were in positions and playing 5 aside rules.  The girls have made a lot of progress in their passing and positional play.  They spaced out and were attacking in their play.  Well done girls!

Thank you to all the girls who take part so enthusiastically and with so much effort, and to the parents for all their support.

girls playing the violin
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28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

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