girls playing the violin

World Book Day 7th March 2024

8th March 24

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated our love of reading by dressing up as a character from our favourite books.  We began the day with a whole school assembly on the tennis court where we enjoyed seeing the costumes of the children from Puffins (pre-Nursery) to Form VI.  All of the girls in Form II looked wonderful and a lot of thought had clearly gone into the costumes.  Thank you for your support with this.  The staff also got in the spirit of the day!

We spent the day sharing our favourite books and talking about the characters. We also visited the book fair where we looked at the books on offer and selected our favourites.  A form has been sent home with details of how these can be ordered.

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28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES