Wellbeing | St Hilda's Harpenden


The wellbeing of all children, staff and parents at St Hilda’s is our first priority.  Everyone has responsibility for others’ wellbeing, and we endeavour to continue the “family feel” that has run through St Hilda’s for over 100 years.

We foster a positive learning environment, where all achievements are recognised and celebrated.  St Hilda’s is proud of its excellent pastoral care and inclusivity, creating a nurturing and warm atmosphere where all children are valued and can positively strive to succeed.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

St. Hilda’s aims to provide relevant and responsible relationships and sex education (RSE) to all of its pupils. RSE is covered in both Science and PSHCE and we assure that the curriculum and content delivered is appropriate to the age and development of our pupils. Staff are aware of the importance of promoting healthy relationships and the values that underpin the RSE objectives outlined by the government.

In Science, Form V cover the topics of Puberty, Menstruation and Adolescence and Form VI develop this further by learning about Human Reproduction. Lessons follow a nationally recognised scheme of work developed by the Christopher Winter Project and take the form of discussions, reading age-appropriate books and watching videos produced specifically for educational use at this age.

In PSHCE, this is covered through the ‘Changing Me’ puzzle (topic), as part of the Jigsaw programme of work we follow at St.Hilda’s, which is delivered in the last term of the academic year. We do this in a way that allows the children to explore elements of RSE in a safe environment. Please note, St. Hilda’s does not promote any particular form of sexual orientation.

The RSE policy is available here or in the policies section of this website and is updated on an annual basis.

PSHCE Curriculum

We provide a full and engaging curriculum across the school.  In Form VI, the girls access the Positive Minds Programme through Watford FC and have support with mindfulness ahead of their transition into secondary school.

House System

We have three houses at St Hilda’s School; York; Lancaster and Warwick.  Every pupil and member of staff is a member of a house.  The children and staff connect through the houses from the early years, attending house assemblies, supporting a house charity, having a house buddy, plus house competitions including music and sports.

House points are awarded to children who have worked well within our values, who have contributed well within lessons and for excellent work in the classroom and sports field.


Our values are celebrated and actively promoted across our school community.  We focus on a particular value each half term.  These are:

  • Positivity
  • Independence
  • Fearlessness
  • Respect
  • Kindness
  • Resilience

Nurture Groups

We provide a selection of nurture groups throughout the school year to support wellbeing.  These are continuously evolving but can include:

  • Growing Club
  • Wellbeing Club
  • Art Club
  • Games Club
  • Brick Club
  • Feelings Club


From Form V, all children are allocated a mentor to support them with their preparation for secondary school and beyond.  Occasionally, a child may need an early mentor in order to support them with other transitional times in their life.  We endeavour to create a good match between child and staff member.

Playground Squad

Children are invited to apply to our school playground squad from Forms IV to VI. The Playground Squad meet weekly to discuss children’s interactions during break times. The squad also provides support during morning break and lunch break to those children who may be looking for a friend to play with or would like to start a new game. The playground squad is supported by our resident cuddly seagull ‘Whitby.’

Forest School

Please see our Forest School page for more information.

Harpenden Partnership Plus

We are delighted to work with Harpenden Partnership Plus who can offer parental and family support with any concerns you may be facing with your child at home or at school.

Referrals are be made by Mrs Atkins or click here for more information.

Harpenden Partnership Plus also provide Nurture groups within school and can offer 1:1 counselling for pupils at St Hilda’s.  Referrals made by Mrs Atkins.

External Services

Please see the following for further guidance. Website links are available by clicking on the image.

Childline – 0800 1111 (24 hours)

Samaritans – 116 123 (24 hours)

Hertfordshire Partnership (As One) – 0300 777 0707 (9am – 5pm)

Mind – 0300 123 3393 (9am – 5pm) Text: 86463

NHS – For Emergency: 999

NHS – For Non-Emergency: 111


Contact Details
Get in Touch
28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Fun Day on Thursday 17th April

To book your place please visit https://www.sthildasharpenden.co.uk/easter-family-fun/