We know that our families work hard to give their children a St Hilda’s education and we pride ourselves on being very competitively priced compared with other schools in the area. The fees for 2024/2025 are set out below. Notification of sums that are due will be made by invoice in advance of each term and settlement is due via Bacs by the first day of term. Charges may vary and will be published one term in advance of the new academic year where possible.
Please see our fee scales for the School and the Nursery.
£100 payable on application and non-refundable
£1,000 payable on acceptance of a place at St Hilda’s, £500 refundable against the first term’s fees and £500 after the child has left the school and all fees and charges have been paid.
Lunches, Stationery, Books, Group Music, and Choir
Personal accident insurance details of which can be downloaded here. £4.95 per term. You can access the parent portal to opt in to additional insurances, check existing levels of cover at any time, update details such as term fees and make a claim. More information and registration details found here
Residentials, Trips or in School Activities (advised of individual costs in advance).
Breakfast Club and After School Club (includes food) from Reception to Form VI – £3 per morning session, £4 per afternoon session.
Individual music tuition and LAMDA tuition (arranged privately).
Additional individual tuition (arranged through Assistant Head of Pastoral Care) – £18.50 per half hour.
Interest may be payable on overdue accounts at the rate of 3% per annum above Lloyds Plc base rate.
An optional pupil absence insurance scheme is available through our insurers and details of this can be found here.
*Chargeable extras are generally billed in arrears.
Some families may want to make use of Fees in Advance scheme to receive small discounts on their future fees. Please find the terms and application form here or contact our Business Manager – Mrs Taylor for more information.
Personal circumstances and household budgets change so it’s more important than ever to have fee payment choices.
Details of the School Fee Plan can be found here.
The school accepts childcare vouchers and Tax-Free childcare payments for ‘qualifying childcare’, please see more information on our nursery page here
We offer 15 hours free early education for three- and four-year-olds. See here for more information.
We do hope that your child will happily continue their time at St Hilda’s until the end of FVI, but if circumstances do not allow it please remember to provide a term’s notice of your intention to remove a pupil from St Hilda’s or to discontinue an optional extra (half term). Note that Nursery classes have a term and a half notice period. Please provide this in writing to the Head no later than the first day of the term at the end of which notice is to take effect. Failure to provide this notice will result in your liability for full payment of the following full term’s fees.