girls playing the violin

Category: Sports

National ISA U11 Netball Finals – St Hilda’s finished 12th overall

13th March 24

Our U11 A team played brilliantly in the group stage of the tournament.  They played 6 teams in the morning and finished 3rd in their group, with 3 wins, 1 loss and 1 draw.  There was some wonderful attacking play, great shots on goal and superb interceptions.  In the knockout competition, our girls played hard,…

U10 ISA Netball Festival

10th March 24

7 girls in Form V went to Akeley Wood Junior School to play netball against 10 other ISA London North schools.  Our team won 7, lost 2 and drew 1.  They all played hard and should be proud of their performance.  Well done.

Form III in Beechwood netball tournament

16th February 24

It was great to see all girls in Form III playing 4 aside netball at Beechwood.  They played 5 games against Beechwood and Edge Grove.   Well done girls on your first netball match!  

U11 Netball Team through to the National Finals!

1st February 24

Our U11 netball players competed in the ISA netball tournament held in Redbridge yesterday.  25 schools took part and St Hilda’s finished 4th overall, losing to St James’ Prep in the Semi Finals. The team is through to the National Finals on 15th March, which is a great achievement.  Well done!

U9 and U11 Cross Country Championships at Beechwood Park

29th January 24

Very well done to all our runners to competed at Beechwood on Friday afternoon.  Our top runners came 10th in the U9 event and 18th in the U11 event. The U9s came 6th overall and the U11s came 5th overall!

Form IV Netball vs Beechwood Park

29th January 24

It was great to see the whole of Form IV playing in a netball tournament against Beechwood Park on Thursday 25th January.  Well done girls!

St Hilda’s win the ISA London North Girls Football Festival

23rd November 23

Our U11 football team did us proud today at St John’s Prep School, Enfield.  19 teams from ISA Schools in the area entered the tournament.  St Hilda’s played 4 games in the qualifying round and finished 2nd in their group.  In the Quarter Final, they played Gateway; drew 0-0, but won on penalties.  In the…

St Hilda’s U11 Netball Team vs Abbot’s Hill

22nd November 23

U11 A won 9-2, U11 B won 5-2, U11 C won 5-1.  Great results, well done!  

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28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES