Funding | Co-educational Nursery & Single Sex Day School for Girls | St Hilda's Harpenden


Free early education for 3 and 4 year olds

Parents are able to claim free early education at St Hilda’s Nursery the term after their child turns 3 years. We offer 15 hours free funding, spread over 5 days for 3 hours per day.

We offer two options:

  • Our current and preferred nursery session is 8.15am-12.00pm.  The cost for the extra part of the session is £12 per day, invoiced in advance. This can be paid for using childcare vouchers.
  • Alternatively your child may just attend for the 15 funded hours from 8.30am-11.30am. Any changes to this should be made on a termly basis.

If your child’s birthday is between….

You can start using your free hours from…

1st January – 31st March 1st April (after their 3rd birthday)
1st April – 31st August 1st September (after their 3rd birthday)
1 September – 31st December 1st January (after their 3rd birthday)

A parent declaration form must be completed in order to receive funding

More information can be found at:
Contact Details
Get in Touch
28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Fun Day on Thursday 17th April

To book your place please visit