Form II | Co-educational Nursery & Single Sex Day School | St Hilda's Harpenden

Form II

The Form II classroom is on the first floor of the old building opposite the library.  The girls attend 8.20am until 3.30pm with wrap around care offered between 7.30am and 6.00pm. Girls from Form II and above come into the school independently via the hall door.

The class is led by two experienced teachers with the support of a part-time classroom assistant. Although the majority of the girls’ lessons are still taught by the class teacher they now have specialist teachers for PE, Drama, Music, French, and Computing. Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, RE and PSHCE are taught as separate subjects by their class teacher. In addition to the basic curriculum, recorder lessons are introduced within class music lessons. The girls are also able to join some of the many extra-curricular clubs offered at lunchtime or at the end of the day.

Form II is an exciting year for the girls. The girls grow in confidence as they learn to organise their own equipment and to manage routine daily tasks independently. The girls are encouraged to take on more responsibility for their own behaviour and learning.

Although practical tasks are still at the core of teaching, effective use is made of the smartboard for modelling and introducing new concepts. As the girls social and academic skills develop, they are able to work not just independently, but also with a partner or as part of a team.




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28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Fun Day on Thursday 17th April

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