Curriculum | Day School & Nursery | St Hilda's Harpenden
Students holding ukuleles
Students making scary faces
girl writing on a smart board
Students in class


St. Hilda’s offers a broad, well-balanced curriculum, designed to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum, Common Entrance, and other public school entrance examinations. This consists of English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Religious Education, Music, Drama, Art and Design, Computing and Physical Education. Girls also learn French from the earliest stage of the Nursery, and Latin from Form IV. Both the English and Mathematics National Curriculum Programmes of Study are incorporated within the curriculum from Form I upwards.  The EYFS curriculum is followed throughout Nursery and Reception.

Learning Support teachers give support where necessary, working in collaboration with class teachers and teaching smaller groups. In consultation with the class teacher, they will recommend individual help when required, which is a chargeable extra.

The curriculum for each year group is regularly reviewed and updated, and the following subject pages offer a summary showing its progression throughout the School.

Homework increases as the children progress through the School, and parents are requested to check that homework has been completed satisfactorily. At the younger end of the School, the girls are asked to read every night.  In Form I, homework begins gradually with the learning of spellings.  In Form II in addition to spellings, times tables as well as some reading is set. From Form III and above, there are set evenings for homework in addition to reading, building up to one hour each night in the top year. A homework book, issued to each child up to Form III, provides a useful communication link between home and school.  From Form IV upwards, a homework diary is issued and completed by the girls.  This contains their timetable and other useful information which aids as an important point of reference.  Diaries should be signed each week by parents.

If class work is missed, either through illness or because of a music lesson, it is the child’s responsibility to ensure that it is copied up.

Students holding ukuleles
Students making scary faces
girl writing on a smart board
Students in class
Contact Details
Get in Touch
28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Fun Day on Thursday 17th April

To book your place please visit