Form V | Private Education, Harpenden | St Hilda's Harpenden

Form V

The Form V classroom is a spacious and sunny room on the first floor of the new building.  The day begins at 8.20am and ends at 3.45pm, with wrap around care offered from 7.30am until 6pm.

Form V is an exciting and busy year and also an important year of preparation for school entrance exams which many girls choose to take in Form VI.   These preparations are gradual and supportive.  We maintain an emphasis on building confidence whilst promoting the development of essential skills which will enable every girl to cope with the demands of whichever senior school they move on to.  To assist further with the transition to secondary school, a mentor system is introduced after the Easter holidays.

All lessons are carefully planned to cater for a range of abilities to ensure each girl maximizes her potential.

Form V are taught by specialist teachers for every subject.  Teaching is enhanced by a wide range of extra-curricular activities including a range of sports and dance clubs, chess club, top draw club and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) club. There are choirs, orchestras and recorder groups, and girls can access Elocution and Speech and Drama tuition and peripatetic music lessons.

Netball Club is continued this year and in the Summer Term tennis coaching is offered as a chargeable extra.

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28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Fun Day on Thursday 17th April

To book your place please visit