Pupil Voice | Private School, Harpenden | St Hilda's Harpenden

School Council

St. Hilda’s has a School Council, consisting of the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl, two representatives from Forms III – VI elected by their respective forms, along with the Headmaster. Representatives are key spokespersons for their form and represent pupil voice across may subjects. The Council meets twice a term to discuss ideas brought forward by the form representatives that concern the general welfare of the School. In the Autumn Term the School Council organises a Movie Night for the Senior Department when the Council; chooses the movie and food for the occasion.

students in a group photo with a grandfather clock in the background
Contact Details
Get in Touch
28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES
Easter Fun Day

We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Fun Day on Thursday 17th April

To book your place please visit https://www.sthildasharpenden.co.uk/easter-family-fun/